Tunnel of Terror 2021: Haunted Car Wash Anaheim

By theFUNnelCakeBlog | Oct 08, 2021
Tunnel of Terror Haunted Car Wash Returns! The surprise (and much needed) Halloween hit from 2020 is back… albeit in a new location.

Starting at $25 per car, Halloween fanatics (and those needing to get their car washed) are welcomed to come with their family and friends to experience a one-of-a-kind Halloween thrill, filled with chills and Terror to delight the entire group.

The Tunnel of Terror is a carefully curated experience, with scary and creepy performers popping up throughout the wash, and special effects providing a terrifying ambiance. Participants can also expect unique surprises each night!

Located at Big Wave Car Wash 2219 Lincoln Ave. in Anaheim. Open select days now through Halloween. More details at tunnelofterroroc.com.

#tunnelofterror #hauntedcarwash #orangecounty

Audio Credit:
Believe in the Magic of Halloween

Music from Uppbeat