The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen at Universal Studios Hollywood CityWalk has opened for a preview prior to the Grand Opening. In the video, we show you the ENTIRE MENU, a tour of the restaurant and ALL OF THE DESSERTS! See what we had and if it was any good.
Skip to 10:36 for the menu
Delight your palate with fantastical fare including steak, seafood, crepes, milkshakes, gourmet chocolates and one-of-kind desserts at the new full-service restaurant and confectionery at Universal CityWalk. Extraordinary foodstuffs await you at this enchanting 19th century themed, Steampunk inspired dining establishment. Opens January 27, 2023.
00:00 Intro from Jacques and Penelope
00:22 Tour of the Restaurant and our Order
01:52 Jacques and Penelope stop at the table
03:32 Our Main Courses
05:32 Desserts
07:09 Dessert Counter and Gift Shop
10:36 Full Menu Overview
More info:
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
#ToothsomeChocolateEmporium #universalstudioshollywood #ToothsomeChocolateEmporiumHollywood