Snoopy's Legendary Rooftop Concert | Knott's Peanut Celebration (2023) | Full Show

By theFUNnelCakeBlog | Feb 02, 2023
Knott’s Berry Farm kick soff the Seasons of Fun with the Knott’s PEANUTS™ Celebration, a unique family event dedicated to celebrating the beloved PEANUTS characters. Guests can step inside the pages of a Charles M. Schulz comic strip as the PEANUTS characters take over the entire park. Daily January 28 - February 26, 2023.

At the Calico Mine Stage, Snoopy's Legendary Rooftop Concert features the Peanuts Gang, who has teamed up with the family-friendly indie band, The Jelly of the Month Club, for a high-energy spectacle sure to have everyone dancing.

NOTE: This show only takes place on certain days throughout the festival. Check the Knott's website and/or mobile app for details and show times.

#knottspeanutscelebration #knotts #snoopy