Season’s Screamings, the sinister holiday-themed counterpart to Midsummer Scream, the world’s largest Halloween and horror convention, opened on Friday, December 2 and continues at the Pasadena Convention Center through December 4, 2022.
The quintessential mash-up of Christmastime cheer and Halloween horror, Season’s Screamings offers a winter wonderland of ghoulish experiences for the whole family. From a sprawling show floor featuring more than 200 artisans and vendors to a festive stage set to feature world-class panel presentations, Season’s Screamings is set to entertain thousands of fans throughout the first weekend in December.
“This is the fourth iteration of Season’s Screamings, and it’s getting bigger and better each year,” says David Markland, Executive Director of Midsummer Scream. “We love any opportunity to return to Pasadena, and any chance to collide Halloween with other seasons, especially the winter holidays.”
Among Season’s Screamings’ cornucopia of entertainment will be Peepshow Menagerie’s “Island of Misfit Tease” burlesque show on Friday night, a Krampus run on Saturday and Sunday led by Krampus LA, a daily block of holiday horror themed short films curated by HorrorBuzz, photo-ops from exhibitors including Art's Sideshow throughout the show floor alongside vendors such as Backstitch Bruja, Lugosi Enterprises, Discount Cemetery, Skelly Paper Co., Small Town Weirdo, and Trick or Treat Studios.
Special guests include Keith David (The Thing, They Live), Leeanna Vamp & The Fiends, Grimm Life Collective, and Disney Legend Bob Gurr, creator of the Haunted Mansion “Doom Buggies”, with more appearances to be announced soon!
Returning for 2022 is the ominous Hall of Yuletide Spirits, a perpetually darkened space filled with holiday-themed haunts and chilling displays. Beginning with a rotten Candy Land entry experience by Fear Farm, this year’s Hall of Yuletide Spirits will feature spirited attractions from some of Southern California’s hottest home and pro haunts including The Dreich Society, The Haunt With No Name… Yet, Casa Calaveras, Santa Ana Haunt, Ghostwood Manor, Prism Haunted House, the Pizza Planet Truck, and Valley Fright Nights.
#SeasonsScreamings #MidsummerScream #krampus
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Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):