Knott's Berry Farm | Park Update | April 2023 | Festival Extended | Ride Opens

By theFUNnelCakeBlog | Apr 03, 2023
Knott's Berry Farm Update for 4/3/23! Knott's has announced an extension of the Boysenberry Festival due to the rain! The festival will run daily (as scheduled) through 4/16, then three additional weekends... Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only.

Easter Brunch is being held 4/9 at Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant. Reservations are required. Reservations and info:

Dragon Swing has re-opened in Fiesta Village. Current ride closures (subject to change):
Hat Dance
Merry Go Round
Sol Spin
Pacific Scrambler
Timber Mountain Log Ride

During our visit, we also stopped in at two fan created events:
National Autism Awareness Day event, organized by Knott's Brat Pack and Snoopy's Pals
Roaring 20's Fashion Day, organized by One Big Knott's Family Entertainment

For lunch, we enjoyed:
Boysenberry BBQ Rib Tips over Parmesan Grits with Green Onions (Spurs)
Boysenberry Sausage, Chicken, and Shrimp Jambalaya (Berry Lane Booth)

#knotts #knottsberryfarmupdate #boysenberryfestival