Eight Fingers Nine | Full Maze POV | Knott's Scary Farm

By theFUNnelCakeBlog | Sep 20, 2024

Eight Fingers Nine: The Boogeyman - NEW Maze!

Step inside a living fairy tale in a colonial township that's under siege by an inhuman monster that preys from the dark. As night descends, Eight Fingers Nine emerges from the shadows in search of fresh meat. His vicious bite penetrates deep, causing sleep paralysis which holds his victim in sway while he slowly consumes their flesh. Step lively and beware the dark, or you may be the main course at his next meal!

Who's ready for Scary Farm? It's the longestrunning and most haunting Halloween theme park event in Southern California. With over 50 years of nightmares, unimaginable scares and innovative thrills, Knott’s Scary Farm has left no tomb unearthed, no crypt unrattled and no fear untouched.

Experience the fully transformed theme park, with uniquely haunted mazes and attractions, sinister shows, and more than 1,000 horrifying creatures lurking in the fog and hiding across every inch of the park.

Knott’s Scary Farm

Select Nights September 19 – November 2, 2024

Knott’s Scary Farm is not recommended for children under 13.

All guests, regardless of age, need to have their own paid admission ticket.

More information at knotts.com

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#spookyfarm #knotts #knottsberryfarm