Dark Arts at Hogwart's Castle | Rainy Night | Spring Break 2023 | Universal Studios Hollywood

By theFUNnelCakeBlog | Mar 30, 2023
Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle located in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ at Universal Studios Hollywood invites guests to
"Feel the Darker Side of Magic Take Hold!"

Select dates March - August, from dusk to Park close:
March 25 – April 9
May 27 – 29
June 17 – August 13
Located in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™

Find a moment of hope hidden in the darkness when you see Dark Arts at Hogwarts™ Castle light up the sky with music and live special effects. As darkness falls at Hogwarts™ castle, Dementors™, Death Eaters™ and other unspeakable creatures cloak the stone walls with sinister images from the darker side of magic. Experience the fire-engulfed army of Inferi, the soul-draining breath of Dementors™ and the haunting image of Lord Voldemort™ as you stare in awe at the castle’s takeover. This powerful spectacle is accompanied by an atmospheric musical score created by John Williams.

The show typically features drones, but this evening, weather did not allow for that feature.


#universalstudioshollywood #darkarts #wizardingworldofharrypotter wizarding